Sunday, September 2, 2012

Harvest Time

In our little yard, we have raspberries, rhubarb, blueberries, huckleberries, apples and pears as permanent plants. Sadly the blueberries are all gone, but it's time to pick huckleberries! Last year the neighborhood peacocks ate every last berry, so this year I bought a roll of chicken wire and put a fence around the three bushes and that's keeping them away. Last weekend I picked about a pound of the dark little orbs and today there are more ready to pick. Later this month or in early October the other two plants should be ready to pick and then we'll have more huckleberries than we can shake a stick at.

Some of our apples are beginning to ripen too and we took a small bag of them to our daughter and son-in-law yesterday. They look pretty nice this year, probably due to the warmer than usual temps this summer.

Finally, we planted Quinault strawberries this spring and they are just starting to produce some small to medium sized red berries. Interestingly, the runners sent out by the plants also have berries on them. I don't recall that ever happening before.

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