Sunday, June 3, 2012

Almost Ready

It's almost time to move the chicks into their new home. Today I caulked the inside of the coop and applied the top coat of semi gloss paint to make cleaning easier later on. I finished the doors and got them hung up too! 

I still need two sheets of plywood and the metal roofing material to keep the water out, but that will probably have to wait until next weekend. The coop roof is covered with plywood and it's basically ready to lay down the bedding and move the chicks in. I want to wait until the paint and caulk has another day to cure so it doesn't bother the chicks.

For the most part I'm pretty happy with how things are progressing. It's getting tough to see where I used recycled material so I like that! 

I added a couple of pictures of the coop so far. I still need to make a ramp so the chicks can get from the run to the coop and of course the egg box, but there is no rush for that.

Later this summer I will add windows to the door and above where the egg box will go to seal up the coop when the weather turns "foul".