Friday, June 22, 2012

Five on the Roost

The chicks are spending lots of time outside now and I have only been leaving their light on during the day on the coldest of days. I still turn the light on almost every night and they make their way into the coop to cuddle under its warm glow. All six chicks had been roosting scrunched up at one end of the roost, but one of the barred rock chicks flew off just before I snapped this picture. I kind of feel sorry for the Ameraucana chick on the bottom. 

The six chicks are getting along pretty well most days. They do seem to keep themselves entertained by chasing one another around the run and jumping up on the ramp, flying up to the roost and back down. They are lots of fun to watch. 

Last weekend when I installed the roost, I didn't think they would be able to get up to it right away, but as soon as it was installed they all immediately started looking up at it and trying to figure out how to get on it. The first attempts were failed, but then the figured it out. After s few got on, they learned to scoot down to one end so the others could fly up. It's pretty amazing that they figured it out as quickly. 

The water and food also got hung up outside and there has been much less spillage and waste since I moved them there. The fun thing about these girls is that every time we visit them they run to the door looking for a treat. They also like to get out of the run and eat the grass.

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